Food Tours in New York – Mangia Che Ti Fa Bene
Mangia Che Te Fa Bene is Italian for Eating Is Good For You. That's certainly the idea behind Eataly, a non-stop feast Italian style. Their slogan reflects this concept: "You Are What You Eataly." Eataly is the trendiest Italian food emporium in New York, right in the shadows of the Flatiron Building. Let's get through this labyrinth of tempting aromas, mesmerizing food displays, and endless aisles with specialties.
You Are What You Eataly
A (Tempting) Visual Storytelling by Lucas Compan
Eataly is a modern-day food bazaar. It invites curious tasters to sample a multitude of Italian delights for an exciting eating adventure.
Lunch or dinner at one of the seven restaurants features authentic dishes, each with a different culinary emphasis, and located near the retail areas providing their fresh ingredients.
Le Verdure is next to the produce section; La Piazza by the cheese and cold cuts counter; Il Pesce by the fishmonger; La Piazza & La Pasta at the bakery; Manzo's meny of meats near the butcher. Pranzo's light lunches is served in La Scuola, the cooking classroom.
You can also find Birreria, an impressive rooftop restaurant and brewery, an elevated beer garden is 14 stories above the marketplace, featuring its own ales, pub food, and knockout skyline views of the Empire State Building and the Flatiron Building.
Eataly is a state-of-the-art place in New York that, among hundreds of other food and wine tours in the city, you must not miss. It's like an Italian island for food experience. Let your senses lead the way. And Mangia Che Ti Fa Bene.